
ANIMAL Flash Cards

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.

These Animal Flash Cards make it easy, and fun to practice saying correct words, they are 2×3 in size, laminated, sturdy, and colorful animal pictures that come in a sturdy cardboard like case, with 52 cards in each deck. Let your animal like voice out, practice with these animal cards, and keep fighting to get your words back, you can do it, I believe in you.



Animal Flash Cards were my favorite, because who doesn’t love their pets and seeing animals at the zoo or in the wild. Animals are just amazing creatures, and they make us smile, especially when trying to relearn, retrain, or practice doing something we already know. It is hurt, it is stressful, it is worth the work you put into practicing, you can fight to get your words back. I know because I was there, I was so frustrated, but I did it, I got my life back by just continuing to practice doing flash cards. These Animal Flash Cards make it easy, and fun to practice saying correct words, they are 2×3 in size, laminated, sturdy, and colorful animal pictures that come in a sturdy cardboard like case, with 52 cards in each deck. Let your animal like voice out, practice with these animal cards, and keep fighting to get your words back, you can do it, I believe in you.